


A brief BIO of S. Luvsanvandan:

  • Doctor and Professor Luvsanvandan Sonom was an enlightener who devoted whole of his life for enlightenment of his nation, development of aesthetics, protection and development of national cultural heritages, and promotion and dissemination of modern and classic arts. He created many academic and research books regarding literature theory and history, as well as he wrote the first-ever aesthetics textbook in Mongolia. Mongolian intellectual people at that time obtained aesthetics knowledge and education from the textbook which was well-known for “Luvsanvandan’s aesthetics”.
  • S. Luvsanvandan was one of the initiators of International Mongolists’ Congress and had been working as a permanent secretary of IMU Conference for about 20 years. The person who is a well-known state and social figure headed the Ministry of Culture, People’s Republic of Mongolia for many years.
  • He who was born in Bogd soum, Bayankhongor aimag in 1932 followed educational and cultural way from very early age, and could become the first anesthetist scientist, well-known literator, international society and cultural philanthropist and state minister. His wonderful life becomes a real example of our nation’s development, enlightenment and independence.
  • S. Luvsanvandan’s best articles of academic and scientific research, and artistic knowledge and aesthetic bestsellers were published with 9 volumes in 2002.
  • B. Tsenddoo wrote a documentary artistic book titled “20th Century Intellectual S. Luvsanvandan: from Path to Road” based on the biography of S. Luvsanvandan.

In order to perpetuate the heritages of S. Luvsanvandan, a Mongolia’s national intelligent, scientist, state and social well-known figure, the Musical and Drama Theatre of Bayankhongor aimag was named after him (S. Luvsanvanda) under the order of the Government of Mongolia.



Operational directions of S. Luvsanvandan Foundation:

  • Provision of Luvsanvandan scholarships to artists and students,
  • Organization of Foundation Days and Arts & Culture festivals.
  • Investment and furnishing of arts organizations, and donation of musical instruments and other equipment,
  • Publication of books
  • Furnishing of schools and classrooms
  • Implementation of projects etc.

First stipend: When S. Luvsanvandan Foundation commenced providing first scholarships in 1999, many actors are included such as State Prize Winners S. Erdene, S. Dashdoorov, Sh. Surenjav, D. Garmaa, B. Lkhagvasuren, D. Batbayar, Well-Known Writers B. Baast, T. Galsan, State Prize Winner singer Norovbanzad, State Prize Winner composers G. Birvaa, D. Luvsansharav, N. Jantsannorov, B. Sharav, Merit Actors D. Sosorbaram, Well-Known singer Ts. Enkhmanlai, violinist Ch. Chinbat, actor J. Sukhkhuyag, and ballet dancer D. Narankhand. Luvsanvandan scholarship is implemented by providing an average salary of the public sector throughout a year.


We have furnished a computer cabinet in 10 schools in the capital city and provided scholarship to over 200 students who came from the local areas and go back to the local area upon their graduation. We have executed financing and management of maintenance work for front side and great repair work of the Musical Drama Theater in Bayankhongor aimag. Also, we have donated illumination and technical equipment. We have organized a work to provide Temuujin, a child choir with musical instruments and other equipment. We have kept organizing a donation work of the books to the pupils and students.

In local areas: In Bayankhongor aimag, the following days named after by the Foundation was organized in 2002 and 2004.

  • On October 3-4, 2010, S. Luvsanvandan Foundation days were organized in Bayankhongor aimag. Within the day programme, Arts performance was offered free of charge and book and literature donation work was organized for pupils and students. The total 400 copies of English-Mongolian Illustrated Dictionary jointly published by Canadian QI and Mongolian NEPCO were distributed to aimag schools along with social, political and philosophical books.




Founder: Bold Luvsanvandan

Head: Boldkhuyag Luvsanvandan

Executive Director: B. Tsenddoo

Year of Establishment: 1997. On occasion of 65th Anniversary of birth of S. Luvsanvandan

Initiators: Friends, pupils and children of Luvsanvandan Sonom, Mongolia’s wellknown intellectual and doctor in 20th century.

Objective: To continue national intellectual and doctor S. Luvsanvandan’s work to enlighten and educate/develop the nation for which he devoted whole of his life.

The Spice Lounge



  • 2010 “Grand Art Exhibition” “Grand prize”
  • 2007 “Spring” Drawing contest 3rd place
  • 2013 Production and Art Polytechnic College "Best Artist"

Work experience:


  • 2012 “Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Production and Art Polytechnic College” art teacher
  • 2013 “Blue sun” a member of the Mongolian contemporary Center artists
  • 2014 “Luvsanvandan art gallery” artist




  • 2013 “Eternal flame” exhibition
  • 2014 “Blue Wind” exhibition “Ethnosphere” within the national art project 


Joint exhibition:

  • 2011 “Bui flame” joint exhibition
  • 2013 “Zun-3” joint exhibition


Participated exhibition:

  • 2006 - 2013 он “Golden brush” exhibition
  • 2007 – 2011, 2015 “Spring” exhibition
  • 2007, 2010 “In search of the perfect sensitivity”
  • 2008-2013  “Naadam” exhibition   
  • 2008 “Invention” exhibition
  • 2008 “Nature born within the Hear”
  • 2009 “Ulaanbaatar 370”
  • 2010 “Portrait”
  • 2010 “Grand Art Exhibition” exhibition
  • 2011 “Blue spot” exhibition
  • 2011 “Zavkhan province” exhibition
  • 2011,2012  “Tiger ” exhibition
  • 2011 “100 young artists” exhibition /Xanadu/
  • 2012 “Mongolian culture days” exhibition /China, Beijing/
  • 2013 “Mongolian horse” exhibition /Korea, Seoul/
  • 2014 “Mongolian horse” exhibition /China, Huhe Haote/
  • 2014 “Steppen Mongolia” exhibition/Estonia/
  • 2014  50 year anniversary art show in Sweden, Stockholm



  • 1997 “Excellent young man” Gold medal
  • 1999 “Mongolian Youth” Gold medal
  • 2001 “Монгол Улсын Соёлын Тэргүүний ажилтан”  


Work experience:

  • 1989-2001 "Artists sector Zavkhan province"Artist
  • 2001-2007 “Tuya newspaper Zavkhan province” Artist
  • 2008-2010 “Music Drama Theater Zavkhan province” Artist
  • 2015 “Luvsanvandan art Gallery” Artist



  • 1998 “108 Candle” Ulaanbaatar
  • 2005 “White fire” Zavkhan province
  • 2009 “Mongolian art, exhibition” Russian Federation, Tuva


Joint exhibition:

  • 2004 “Local color” Zavkhan province, Erdenet city, Darkhan city, Ulaanbaatar city.




  • 2007 "S.Choimbolyn Award"
  • 2011 Mongolian art gallery masterpiece
  • 2013 “Mongolian Youth” Gold medal



Work experience:

  • 2009-2014 Free artist
  • 2014 “Luvsanvandan art gallery” Sculptor


Joint exhibition:

  • 2008 “Shape and color” Erdenet city


Participated exhibition:

  • 2006 - 2010 “Golden brush” exhibition
  • 2006 - 2009 “Spring” exhibition
  • 2006  “Great Mongol” exhibition
  • 2008-2011 “Naadam” exhibition
  • 2008  “Surealism in Mongolia 2” exhibition
  • 2010  “Grand Art” exhibition
  • 2010-2013 “Invention” exhibition
  • 2011 “Zavkhan province” exhibition
  • 2011-2012 “Tiger ” exhibition
  • 2011  “100 young artists”  
  • 2012 Asian sculpture contest in Japan
  • 2014 50 year anniversary art show in Sweden, Stockholm
  • 2014 Artist exhibition in Estonia


Oil Paint



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Photo Art

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Холимог техник

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Болж байгаа

“Цуглуулгын дээжис” үзэсгэлэн 
Лувсанвандан арт галерей 2015 оны 05-р сарын 27-ны өдрөөс эхлэн 06-р сарын 01-ний өдрийг дуустал Монголын уран зургийн галерейн 3-н давхарт “Цуглуулгын дээжис” нэртэй үзэсгэлэнг зохион байгуулах гэж байна. Үзэсгэлэнгийн үеэр арт галерейн сан хөмрөгт хадгалагдаж байгаа ховор уран бүтээлүүдээ нийтийн хүртээл болгох юм.
“С.Лувсанвандан” арт галерейн сан хөмрөгт Ардын зураач, төрийн соёрхолт, МУЭ-ийн шагналт зураачдаас бүрдсэн шилдэг 100 гаруй уран бүтээлчдийн Монгол зураг, уран зураг, график зураг, баримал, сийлбэр бүхий 350 гаруй уран бүтээл хадгалагдаж байна. 
Тухайлбал, цуглуулгын уран бүтээлд Монголын XX зууны уран зургийн нэрт төлөөлөгчид болох Р.Дуйнхоржав, Г.Одон, Л.Гаваа, Г.Дунбүрээ, До.Болд зэрэг дүрслэх урлагийн мастеруудын бүтээлүүд үзэсгэлэнгийн үеэр олны хүртээл болно. Эрхэм та “С.Лувсанвандан” арт галерейгаас зохион байгуулж буй “Цуглуулгын дээжис” үзэсгэлэнд зочилсноор Монголын уран зургийн ноён оргилуудын ховор нандин бүтээлүүд болоод орчин цагийн уран зургийн шилдэг залуу уран бүтээлчдийн шинэ содон бүтээлүүдтэй танилцах боломжтой юм. 
“Уран зургийг харах яруу найраг” гэдэг. “С.Лувсанвандан” арт галерейн бүтээлүүдийг гэгээн мэлмий, саруул оюундаа тольдохыг урьж байна.

The Spice Lounge


“Цуглуулгын дээжис” үзэсгэлэн

Лувсанвандан арт галерей 2015 оны 05-р сарын 27-ны өдрөөс эхлэн 06-р сарын 01-ний өдрийг дуустал Монголын уран зургийн галерейн 3-н давхарт “Цуглуулгын дээжис” нэртэй үзэсгэлэнг зохион байгуулах гэж байна. Үзэсгэлэнгийн үеэр арт галерейн сан хөмрөгт хадгалагдаж байгаа ховор уран бүтээлүүдээ нийтийн хүртээл болгох юм.

“С.Лувсанвандан” арт галерейн сан хөмрөгт Ардын зураач, төрийн соёрхолт, МУЭ-ийн шагналт зураачдаас бүрдсэн шилдэг 100 гаруй уран бүтээлчдийн Монгол зураг, уран зураг, график зураг, баримал, сийлбэр бүхий 350 гаруй уран бүтээл хадгалагдаж байна.

Тухайлбал, цуглуулгын уран бүтээлд  Монголын XX зууны уран зургийн нэрт төлөөлөгчид болох Р.Дуйнхоржав, Г.Одон, Л.Гаваа, Г.Дунбүрээ, До.Болд зэрэг дүрслэх урлагийн мастеруудын бүтээлүүд үзэсгэлэнгийн үеэр олны хүртээл болно. Эрхэм та “С.Лувсанвандан” арт галерейгаас зохион байгуулж буй “Цуглуулгын дээжис” үзэсгэлэнд зочилсноор Монголын уран зургийн ноён оргилуудын ховор нандин бүтээлүүд болоод орчин цагийн уран зургийн шилдэг залуу уран бүтээлчдийн шинэ содон бүтээлүүдтэй танилцах боломжтой юм.

“Уран зургийг харах яруу найраг” гэдэг. “С.Лувсанвандан” арт галерейн бүтээлүүдийг гэгээн мэлмий, саруул оюундаа тольдохыг урьж байна.     


Gallery Super-Sized


Contact info

   Bodi Tower, Jigjidjav street-3, /Great Chinggis Khan"s square/, Chingeltei district, Ulaanbaatar 15160, Mongolia

  +976-11-313007, +976 99192155, +976 99097191

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